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   Kalachakra Network

Kalachakra Tantra
by Geshe Dhargyey 

Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, 1997, 199pp, ISBN 8185102414
Available from Snowlion

This book is only available to people who have received the Kalachakra Initiation.

Snowlion: Provides a sound explanation of Kalachakra practice containing tantric information applicable to any highest yoga tantra. Topics include: the initiations, vows and pledges, cultivating the generation and completion stages, energy centers, winds, drops, taking the three bodies as the path, and day and night yogas. This book is only available to people who have received the Kalachakra Initiation.

Amazon.com: Advice and guidance for those who have the initiation and are committed to the actual practice, covering generation and completion stages.


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